
If the campaign is on the blog, the character is probably here. Feel free to check it out.
The parties are sectioned off by campaign. 
If you're looking for a background story or something like that check the very bottom. They are organized by character below the general information.

Beyond Adventure

A human rogue of chaotic neutral alignment. He worships Olidamarra and tends to be radical at times and isn't afraid to do the dirty work.

A human paladin of lawful good alignment. A worshipper of Heironeous he's confident to the extreme but an effective and organized leader.

A monk of Farlanghn he is lawful neutral. Michio is a half-elf and tends to be a bit of a snob but is (nearly) fearless in battle.

Kallan (Kal) 
A sorcerer of human blood he follows no God and is chaotic good. The black sheep of the party he tends to do his own thing and has a penchant for fire and alchemy.

The half-orc barbarian. He follows Kord, is of chaotic good alignment and is slightly touched in the head. He is not bright, but oddly charismatic despite his low charisma score.

Franchesca "Ches" (NPC)
  An ex Nerull cultist (7th level cleric) that was found in a bar, and saved from a man stalking her with intent to kill her. She grew attached to Yoren after he showed her great kindness. She became his cohort and was placed as the Battle Mother, leader of the Daughters of Heironeous after being inducted to the Church of Heironeous and reforming.

Juan Dooley (NPC)
  A boy of 8 that was saved from a cult of Erythnul in the Abyss. Yoren attempted to give him to the Church of Pelor after it was discovered his mother didn't want him. The boy hid on the party's ship with some help from Trogg, who had grown very attached. Yoren discovered him and without many options left, allowed him to become his squire.

Bumhug (NPC)
  A half-orc woman met when the original party had first entered the Abyss. She met Trogg at a tavern and told of how she was on the run to the Material Plane to avoid the orc she had wed. When the party returned to the Material Plane Trogg sought her out, proposed and they married and moved to Za'Lesan together.

A human rogue (played by me) who is fairly dense. She is chaotic neutral.

A friend of Claudia, full elf, and sarcastic and condescending as hell. She is a wizard of neutral alignment.

A lawful good paladin of the Kraken. He's partial to kicking ass and taking names in the name of a giant squid.

 The group's fighter. He's impulsive and impatient but a great asset in battle and a good man. He is of chaotic neutral alignment.

 The barbarian of the group. He is of lawful good alignment and tough with little fear in battle though fairly quiet while in social settings.

20 Years of Shining Light
The story of Yoren

This is the story of what happened to Yoren in the 20 years after we left of on the Beyond Adventure campaign.

While many battles had been won, and much ground had been gained, the war was not over. Yoren knew this and with his duty to the church he continued to serve valiantly and give the church his talents and his blade as well, fighting for them and leading the men of Heironeous to protect the city against Hextor's followers. The sisters fought at his side and despite the fact that the battle was looking grim, they kept hope. Time seemed to pass slowly as they held the city and amidst the struggle Yoren and Kara-Jún (an elven member of the Daughters of Heironous) began to find a blossoming romance between them... There was heart, but it was not love. Their romance flourished but soon the consequences of it became clear as it was discovered the Daughter was going to be a mother.

It was only two years into the 20 year lapse that a sweet daughter was born to Kara-Jún, a darling red haired girl with green eyes. They named her after her mother. It was later that year that tragedy struck them, when the gates were breached Kara-Jún Sr. went to battle, needed by her sisters. She was slain in combat, leaving Kara-Jún Jr. alone, and the only Kara-Jún left for Yoren. The paladin took the girl on as his daughter, for that is what she was. Jún became Yoren's pride and joy, his little girl. They seemed nearly inseparable.

When Kara was four years old she went with Yoren, Franchesca and a few Honor Sisters on a diplomatic trip to the north. One night while the rest slept easy, Yoren heard a noise and went to investigate. The scene to behold was one that they all dreaded. Yoren saw as his Honor Sisters were cut down by enemy Hextor troops. He turned to Franchesca who had woken when he stirred. "Go, take Kara-Jún and run." He said as he grabbed his blade. Franchesca was confused but did not as questions as she took the child up in her arms and went to flee from the back of their quarters. She turned back to see what was going on in time to witness Hextor men burst forth and Yoren move forward to fend them off. He was armourless, left with nothing but his blade and skill. "RUN!" He bellowed. Franchesca fled with the frightened child.

It was a few hours before she returned to check on Yoren, Jún safely out of harms way. The sight she was met with was enough to bring tears to her eyes. Yoren was slumped on the ground, wounded badly; Ches would have thought him dead had it not been for the quiet prayers he muttered to himself; she lifted him, her adrenaline helping her as she brought him to safety. He was returned to his temple to heal.

The weeks passed and for a long time they all thought Yoren would not make it. Franchesca spent her time watching over him and running the Daughters of Heironeous. Kara-Jún spent much time at her father's bed as well. One day, Yoren woke, sitting up he touched his face. There was a huge scar that streched from the left side of his jaw all the way through his now missing right eye. The man reached to the bedside table and picked up an eyepatch. Franchesca had made it for him, the best way she could express her gratitude for saving the lives of her and little Kara. Yoren put it on and stood to carefully put on his armour. The noises woke Kara-Jún, who looked to her father with sleepy eyes. He seemed to shine brighter than ever as he took her hand in his and looked to the sweet young girl. "Let us go find Battle Mother," he said gently as they left the room. While the two passed the entire temple seemed to grow silent with awe; they all had expected the man to die. Yoren walked to the altar with his daughter, kneeling before it the stained glass light fell across his skin, creating a holy glow on the scarred skin. Franchesca saw the man who had saved her, well and beautiful as he knelt in the light. Her eyes filled with tears and she went to embrace him. "Yoren... We worried you would not make it, you look so saintly..." The paladin looked to Franchesca and then lifted his daughter into his arms. "I have been blessed."

It was only 6 months later that Franchesca and Yoren were married. They were happy and continued to battle evil together, both defending their city and after the war was over moving to free other cities from oppression. Franchesca bore Yoren five children, Marone, a boy of 13 with white-blonde hair and green eyes, Horan-A`ven, a boy of 10 with blonde hair and green eyes, Nira, a girl of 8 with white hair and green eyes, Marillion, a boy of 4 with with red hair and green eyes and just recently Yorenna, a baby girl of only a year with white hair and blue eyes. Kara-Jún was accepted to the family as if she was a fully related child, though she stands out from the others with her half-elf decent and tan skin. She is now 18 and proudly pursuing the path of the paladin like her father.

Blood, Sweat and Steel
The story of Trogg  

This is a summary of what happened to Trogg after we left off on Beyond Adventure.

During the twenty years, Trogg struggled to balance the tasks of raising a dysfunctional family of mixed races and starting a successful blacksmithing and leatherworking business in a war torn city...

Not even a full year into the timelapse, Bumhug gave birth to Urgrusk, a full orc child. The new parents expressed concern about this and brought the baby to a diviner, who foretold that this would be the only full orc child they will beget and that he would someday find greatness. Comforted by this, Trogg and Bumhug accept the brutish child into their home and begin to try for their next child. The same year as the birth of Urgrusk they also established a decent business, supplying large quantities of armor, leather, and weapons to the churches of Heironeous and Kord. The family fell into a simple pattern, with Trogg spending all day practicing and creating in his workshop, while Bumhug tended the storefront with Urgrusk on her hip.

The second year brought a second child, Chuui, who was (as predicted) only Half-Orc. This year also saw a breach in the gates. Trogg did not fight and instead stayed home to protect his family. He saw a rise in the demand for his armour and weapons as the church needed more armaments to fight the Hextor forces. He quickly sharpened his skills, both through practice and magic, and soon found his shop to be prospering.

The third year brought human twins, Sally and Thomas. The family’s new found wealth allowed them to hire a midwife, who helped name the children with proper human titles. Now living comfortably, Trogg was able to hire an assistant to help run the shop, and so he spent the next year raising his children.

With the coming of the fifth year, Baggali was born; she was a half-orc girl. Not long after the birth of Baggali the Wee Jas mages attacked, burning down the port and the entire southern section of the city. The next year, Lorain was born, another half-orc sister. Even with the death and struggles in the city, their family and business thrived. Trogg had birthed several children and with more children came greater concern that he wouldn’t be smart enough to raise intelligent children. Trogg hired a tutor to teach his children everything their father could not, however, despite the best efforts of both the tutor and Trogg, Urgrusk failed to absorb the learning. He began to rebel in any way he could for the next several years, forcing his family to adjust to his brutish, violent ways.

The eighth year in it was discovered that Bumhug was happily pregnant with her seventh child, which she and Trogg had decided would be their last. This good news would not last, however. Urgrusk, lacking intelligence and with rebellious tendencies had hidden a flask of alchemist fire in the forge, causing an massive explosion during it's next use. The blast severely burned Trogg, leaving his right arm, right side of his torso, and right side of his face horribly scarred. A large portion of the shop was destroyed and the shock of it had managed to affected Bumhum, who had a miscarriage not long after. Urgrusk, fearing for his life, fled the scene before help arrived, joining a nearby tribe of orcs. He was praised as a hero for breaking the shackles of his oppressive existance within the city, though not in so many words. (Orcs aren’t so eloquent.)

The next two years were a struggle to recover; Trogg’s body slowly regaining strength while the shop was rebuilt, the forge replaced, and the loss of their child slowly accepted.

With the eleventh year, Bumhug gave birth to Tuktuk, the couple’s last child. The happiness of recovery and rebirth was shortlived, as the north wall fell and a flood of enemies rushed into the city. The attack was too close to home for Trogg to stay out of, Hextor followers practically on his doorstep. Trogg pushed his newly recovered body and helped to push back the invasion;or he returned home victorious and resumed raising his family.

For the rest of the war, Trogg focused his reconstructed business on providing supplies for the soldiers. He focused all his other attention on raising his children. With peace came new freedom, and one by one Trogg’s children found their calling and moved out. Trogg provided each other them with whatever he could: gold, weapons, magical items, and support. Chuui partnered with Juan Dooley (adopted son of Trogg and squire to Yoren), inheriting the Rust Bag of Tricks. Thomas took up barding, and took Trogg’s Sombrero of Languages and hit the road to tell stories of his father’s glory. Baggali took the Earrings of Animal Understanding and joined the druids as they rebuilt in the regrown forest. Lorain became a Cleric of Heironeous, joining the Daughters of Heironeous and taking Trogg’s Gloves of Ogre Power.

Nowadayshome only TukTuk and Sally remain at home with Trogg. Tuktuk, now nine, wears his father’s Belt of Strength. Sally wears her father’s Calming Necklace of Protection, awaiting an opportunity to leave home and put her sorceress skills to good use.