Friday, August 26, 2011

For The DM

So, for those of you running games that follow my blog, here is a little questionare I found that shouldn't be too much for even the laziest of players. Personally, I find I like knowing more about the characters and the gamers themselves but often times I find myself stuck with uncreative or lazy/busy people. This is for you guys. :] <3

For your character:
  1. Describe yourself in 10 words or fewer.
  2. What do you think is your biggest strength?
  3. What do you think is your weakness?
  4. What is your most distinguishing feature?
  5. Why did you choose an adventuring life?
  6. Which family members or friends do you hold most dear?
  7. What people, groups, or objects hold your greatest loyalty?
  8. What career do you want to have one year from now? Five years?
  9. What place do you wish to visit?
  10. Consider your skills. How did you acquire them?
  11. What magic items do you crave?
  12. Where do you enjoy hanging out?
  13. How do you want people to remember you after your death?
For you, the player:
  1. What monsters do you like/hate the most?
  2. Rate your enjoyment of each of the following environments from 1-10, 10 being the most enjoyable
    • Wilderness
    • City
    • Dungeons
    • Unusual Locations (Cloud homes, underwater)
  3. Rate your enjoyment of each of the following types of adventures
    • long
    • short
    • linear
    • open play with no prepared plot
  4. Rate your enjoyment of each of the following types of play
    • combat
    • NPC interaction
    • puzzles
    • investigation
    • mystery
  5. Do you have any session time requirements or preferences?
  6. What times can you play each week?
  7. How do you prefer we handle absent players?