Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster (Another Drink)

Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster:
  • 1 Tablespoon of Gin
  • 1 Tablespoon of Light Rum
  • 1 Tablespoon of Vodak
  • 1 Tablespoon of Tequila 
  • 2 Tablespoons of creme de menthe liqeur 
  • 2 Tablespoons of Galliano 
  • 1 cup of ice cubes
  • 1 Slice of lemon 
I hear this one is fuckin' amazing.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Okami On the Way

My Okami review is on the way, halfway done with the damn thing. Here is a picture of Amaterasu and Kushi together, just to tide you over. It looks like it was done with watercolors.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Another Drink Recipe

Mudkip (Pokemon Cocktail)
Ingredients:1 oz. Fresh squeezed orange juice
1.5 oz. blue curacao
2 oz white wine. (the fruitier the better)
Fill with citrus soda

Directions: For this cocktail, inspired by the sangria, shake the first three ingredients and pour into a glass.  Top the drink with your favorite citrus soda and place an orange slice on the rim of the glass as a garnish.  
Drink created / photographed by Mel the Office Gamer Girl (Twitter)

Chainmail Chicks (Red Sonja)

Here are a couple babes in chainmail, doing Red Sonja cosplays. If you're not familiar (like I wasn't before finding these and doing a little research) here is a breif snippet from the ever popular Wikipedia.
"Red Sonja, the She-Devil with a Sword, is a fictional character, a high fantasy sword and sorcery heroine created by Roy Thomas and Barry Windsor-Smith. She first appeared in the Marvel Comics's Conan the Barbarian #23 (February 1973).
Red Sonja has become the archetypical example of the fantasy figure of a fierce and stunningly beautiful female barbarian who typically wears armor resembling a bikini or lingerie.
The character now appears monthly in her own series, Queen Sonja, as well as a series of mini-series and one-shots, all published by Dynamite Entertainment."

Friday, August 26, 2011

For The DM

So, for those of you running games that follow my blog, here is a little questionare I found that shouldn't be too much for even the laziest of players. Personally, I find I like knowing more about the characters and the gamers themselves but often times I find myself stuck with uncreative or lazy/busy people. This is for you guys. :] <3

For your character:
  1. Describe yourself in 10 words or fewer.
  2. What do you think is your biggest strength?
  3. What do you think is your weakness?
  4. What is your most distinguishing feature?
  5. Why did you choose an adventuring life?
  6. Which family members or friends do you hold most dear?
  7. What people, groups, or objects hold your greatest loyalty?
  8. What career do you want to have one year from now? Five years?
  9. What place do you wish to visit?
  10. Consider your skills. How did you acquire them?
  11. What magic items do you crave?
  12. Where do you enjoy hanging out?
  13. How do you want people to remember you after your death?
For you, the player:
  1. What monsters do you like/hate the most?
  2. Rate your enjoyment of each of the following environments from 1-10, 10 being the most enjoyable
    • Wilderness
    • City
    • Dungeons
    • Unusual Locations (Cloud homes, underwater)
  3. Rate your enjoyment of each of the following types of adventures
    • long
    • short
    • linear
    • open play with no prepared plot
  4. Rate your enjoyment of each of the following types of play
    • combat
    • NPC interaction
    • puzzles
    • investigation
    • mystery
  5. Do you have any session time requirements or preferences?
  6. What times can you play each week?
  7. How do you prefer we handle absent players?

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Well, Fuck.

This was going to be a post about Okami since I just beat the damn game after letting it sit in a box for a year because I was too heartbroken to finish it.
But, since my brother decided to shut of the PS2 while I was away this is instead going to be a picture of an attractive woman while I go beat the last part of the game again. Then I'll come back and blather about how much I loved it.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Game of Thrones

So, I finally started watching Game of Thrones online. I know I'm behind the program but that's just how I function. The first episode is here:

I'm only on the first episode but I'm already in love. I've read the first two books and they never fail to evoke the most volatile emotions. I laugh, I cry, I want to rip Joffery's testicles off. The series so far has been pleasing. I'll update if my views change once I've seen more episodes but I'm really happy with how they casted Jaime, Tyrion, Bran and Catelyn. Not sure I like where they went with Ned, but I'll get over it.

The gratuitous amount of tits is something that I honestly won't complain about, but at the same time not sure if they needed so many. A couple is more than enough.

Anyhow. I'm off to finish the first episode and watch the rest of them tonight. I have 8 days before school starts and dammit, I'm gonna watch them all before I go back.

The comments are there for a reason ladies and gents, so hit 'em! I wanna know who you love, who you hate... Gimmie your thoughts.

Your Choice?

So, I found these both. The first one I found on tumblr, and though, woah, this is a neat addition to the one I already have! Personally, I'd be picking the dice, which one I'm not sure, probably the D20's or the D6's. Just because D20's are cool as fuck, and D6's are the typically the ones you get to take a fistful of and just throw all over the table. That makes me feel like a badass.

What about you?

Monday, August 22, 2011

I. Love. This. Game.

This game is the big reason that I love my gamecube, and the big reason that I love the Zelda games. I know. I'm lame.

Stay Puft

Well, this is how legos should be used. It's the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man from the beloved movie Ghostbusters. It's people who make things like this that remind me why I am unashamed to love legos. Notice in the top left the boys are there. :]

Another Foxy Babe

Another foxy babe to start your day...

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Adam and Eve Bioshock Shots

To you Bioshock fans out there, this one is for you.
And hopefully for me someday. >.>

1/2 oz of grenadine
Splash of Irish creme
1/2 oz of triple sec
1/2 oz of cinnamon schnapps
1 oz of lime infused gin
1/2 oz of blue curacao

Adam: pour 1/2 oz of grenadine, layer 1/2 oz of triple sec, layer the 1/2 oz of cinnamon schnapps then slowly pour Irish creme. Using a small straw gently stir around the Irish creme to cause a cloud effect.
Eve: Pour in the 1/2 oz blue curacao, then layer the 1 oz of gin and then slowly pour Irish creme. Using a small straw gently stir around the Irish creme to cause a cloud effect.
He’s a crook and a proper tea leaf, but he’s got the ADAM, and that makes him the guv’nor” -Bill McDonagh

"The Card Game"

So, I was surfing FictionPress for kinky smut to add to a group on the website and I stumbled across this. It's a whole story but this is the snippet I wanted to share with you. It made me very happy. If you want to read the whole thing the link will be at the bottom of the post.
Anna and Kyle sat on the floor of Anna's bedroom; several small pieces of printed cardstock lay between them in varying colors.
"How about we make this interesting?" Anna asked with a smile
"Winner gets to do whatever they want to the loser."
"You're on… goddammit. My mana is pooling." Kyle declared as he pulled another card from the top of the pile to his left.
"Well, that sucks for you. Because I just got a "destroy all blue creatures" instant. And, swing with Lord of the Pit, Reiver Demon, and Sedraxis Alchemist for game."
"Fine," Kyle threw down his hand of cards, "go get your makeup or whatever you're going to do to me."
"Makeup? What are we, middle-schoolers? No, I have something a little more interesting in mind…" She trailed off and rose to her feet.
"Anna…? Where are you going?"
"The Card Game" by Yenene

Reading Is Fun!

What better way to kick off the new blog than with a hot babe?


I moved all the game recap posts to their own pages. Please check those out! The blog has been almost entirely revamped. It's still a little under construction but I'm going to start posting now. :]

Saturday, August 20, 2011


As you can see I changed a design and layout a little. Feedback is appreciated.

Also, if you're looking for any of the posts, I regret to inform you that any posts from incomplete campaigns have been removed. If you're looking for a one-shot post, or a complete campaign they are still here but will be moved to their own pages, as opposed to being left in the feed.

If you're looking for one of the character stories and can't find them, don't worry! They are still here but have been moved to the "Characters" page, which has also been updated.

If you have any questions please feel free to ask. There will be further remodeling later but I'm going to take a break right now. I can't wait to get the new blog up and running! Thanks for you patience.

<3 Symmie


So, I'm sure not many of you follow me anymore, but if any of you do... I'm very sorry about this mess.

I'm going to start revising the blog... I don't know what to yet, but it's going to happen.

Bear with me during reconstruction.